Friday, January 25, 2013

Multispecialty Team Meeting

My family (Team Think Pink) and I met with the Spectrum Health Multispecialty Team on Thursday, January 24, 2013. We learned a wealth of information. Through the recent Ultrasound Core Needle Biopsy that was previously performed, the findings were that the cancer is not hereditary and is Estrogen and Progesterone related. This is good news for my girls!

The Plan: Options were given to me on a plan to remove the tumor. Final results are I am opting to have a Bilateral Mastectomy with no radiation or chemotherapy needed at this point. Lymph nodes will be taken at time of surgery to see if the cancer has spread. Those results will be given to me later and based on the outcome whether radiation or chemotherapy will need to be discussed further.

Now comes more decisions. Do I have reconstructive surgery? I have an appointment next week to meet with a plastic surgeon to go over my options. Today, I do not know what to do.  In reading the tumultuous materials they have given me, there are many different procedures that are available. Once a decision is made, the plastic surgeon and the specialty surgeon of oncology will need to connect their schedules to come up with a surgery date.

This is where I stand today. Again, I am doing well and have a great outlook for the future.  When meeting with the Oncology Nurse Navigator I was given a form to complete asking my stress level after receiving the news that I have cancer. Zero no stress to 10 seriously stressed. I marked zero. She said I didn't give her anything to work with for her to do her job on my behalf. At the end of the full day appointment she gave me the same form to complete again based on all the information I received that day. I told her to mark negative one. A positive attitude towards this beast is the best medicine!

Psalm 121:1 (the whole Psalm should be read daily) I lift my eyes up to the hills; Where does my help come from? My help comes from The Lord, the maker of Heaven and Earth.

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