Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My Friend Kim

 Many of you who read my blog know my friend Kim (Bowman) Griffin. In May 2009 Kim also had Breast Cancer. This is a picture of her during her treatments.

Kim had the opportunity to write an article during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the Rockford (Illinois) Star Register. Here is her article. Thank you Kim for sharing!

Cancer changes everything.  When I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Invasive Breast Cancer in May 2009 my life changed.  The changes were somewhat expected, once the initial shock wore off.  After two surgeries I began my treatment.  Chemotherapy changed my appearance…my hair fell out, my eyebrows disappeared, my eye lashes were gone.  It changed the way I felt, often tired and aching from the drugs.  I went from not feeling like eating to eating everything I could get my hands on, thanks to the steroids used in my treatment.  After eight rounds of dose dense chemotherapy (16 weeks), I began radiation treatments.  While my hair started to come back I experienced the side effects of radiation, dry, red skin and increasingly more tired, as the 36 treatments wore on. 

Not all of the changes were bad.  I had a new appreciation for my friends.  They were there to sit with me during my 6 hour treatments.  They brought me lunch in the days following a treatment.  They sent cards, emails, and called often.  They were an amazing support to me.  I had a new appreciation for my family.  Because of the distance we live apart from each other they were not able to be with me, but they did the most important thing.  They prayed without ceasing.  As a very independent individual, I now had to rely on my husband for many things.  I learned to let him help me….he needed it as much as I did. His love and concern kept me going.   

But most importantly, cancer changed the way I think about life.  I have been a Christian since the 7th grade, but I now know firsthand that God is in charge of my life.  He is the strength that sustains me when I don’t think I can go any further.  He gave me the courage to face this disease and to make the best of it.  It is my hope that people will see that my confidence and positive outlook came from an unfailing God.  I was not afraid because I had put my trust in Him.

I am thankful for Dr. Nora and the incredible staff at the OSF Center for Cancer Care.  They do an amazing job. Thank you to the American Cancer Society for their efforts to find a cure for breast cancer.  My husband and I, and our extended family, Kelley Williamson Co., are glad to be a part in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer.

Kim (Bowman) Griffin
Chief Financial Officer
Kelley Williamson Co.

This is the verse I received from Kim:
Philippians 4 vs. 6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Amen!

                          This picture is of Kim during Chemo with her cute new puppy Sidney!

This is a picture of Kim today at a Breast Cancer Benefit Golf Outing.

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