Monday, March 11, 2013

Drains Removed!

I went to the surgeons office this morning escorted by Deacon!
It is always a joy to bring him with me. The patients and office staff enjoy getting their Pet Therapy. It is amazing how many people talk to you when you have a dog by your side.
I continue to get stronger every day. I feel good for the most part. Just need a little more energy. Where is that energizer bunny rabbit when you need him?energizer bunny photo: Energizer Bunny energizer_bunny.gif
Today I was able to have my drains removed!! PRAISE!! One does not realize the freedom you have until you are physically attached to something. Just doing normal every day things is a strain. Laying down to rest and having to be strictly on your back wreaks havoc with other parts of your body. Ah, it feels great to be free! I do not need to go back to the surgeon's office until August for a recheck unless anything unforeseen comes up.
From the doctor's office, I went straight to work. I am released to work 2 hours a day for this week, 4 hours a day next week and back to full time the next. It felt good to be in the office but it was exhausting. Came home and took a 2 hour nap!
My journey is not over it has only begun. There will be some sort of treatment in the near future along with supporting breast cancer events until a cure is found. I would like to invite and have anyone who wishes join my team "Think Pink" in walking and supporting Relay for Life on May 17 & 18, Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on September 22 and Bee Brave on October 12. Please put these dates on your calendar as I will be posting more information about each event as dates near. It will be a fun and exciting time!
Thank you all for your many acts of kindness, the tumultuous cards I received along with wellwishes, meals and gifts. Mostly your prayers. God is Good!
Psalm 28:7 - The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song I will sing praise to him.

1 comment:

  1. Jodi - just catching up on your blog and what wonderful news to be drain-free and starting to get back into the swing of things. I'm sure I'm echoing others when I lecture you on listening to your body and not overdoing it. Let me know if you need anything at all. Looking forward to another girls' dinner out soon!
