Friday, March 1, 2013

Central Office Staff Visit and Gifts, Gifts, Gifts!!

It was a pleasant day today. Some of the Central Office staff came to my house to visit during their lunch hour. I enjoyed seeing them again as it feels like it has been forever. Amazing how only 10 days can seem like a lifetime. They all looked good, the same as when I left them - LOL!!
Here is a picture of us.

They gave me this adorable metal 'Dancing Angel' from Carol Roeda Studio!
It is one of my favorites!

I have to revert back to yesterday and tell you this awesome thing that happened. A group of fellow coworkers who work in various buildings throughout our district, unbeknown to me, gathered a bunch of gifts. Each individual who participated gave me something special. The trick is, I cannot open these gifts all at once. One a day to keep the doctor away! Can you believe it? What torture! Here I have all these gifts staring at me and I can't open them. It is like the days before Christmas when presents are under the tree and you can't do anything about it. Yes, I feel like a kid in a candy shop! Here is a picture of all the gifts.

Thank you Laura Smith! This is the first gift I opened.
 It is beautiful!!

Now we go back today as Lisa, Missi and Brandi all took part in the gift giving game too. I wanted to be sure I was able to thank them personally for the wonderful things they gave me. Pictures of them and the gifts are below.


I want to also personally thank all the ladies who participated in the gift giving game. As you know, what you see is all I opened so far, so I have A LOT to go! Please accept my most sincere thanks and gratitude for such a wonderful and thoughtful thing to do. I am overwhelmed and overjoyed at the outpouring of kindness!


Indeed we have so many reasons to count our blessings! What can you do today to express your gratefulness? What are some things that you can be grateful for? Take some time to thank God for what He has given you.
 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NAS) in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

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